Thursday, December 8, 2016


Image result for wave Waves are a disturbance that transmits energy through matter and empty space. The wave and the energy its carrying always move away from the source of the wave. The highest point of a wave is called a crest and the lowest part of the wave is called a trough. The medium is the way a wave can travel, it does this by one particle vibrates and then it passes the vibration on to another particle etc. The waves that need a medium are called mechanical waves two examples of this are ocean waves and guitar strings when playing. Waves that don't need a medium are called electromagnetic waves, two examples of this are visible light and microwaves. The two main types of waves are transverse waves and longitudinal waves if the are combined they make a surface wave. Transverse mean moving across or moving the way the waves going, all electromagnetic waves are considered transverse waves. Longitudinal waves move back and forth the in the direction the wave is going. Rarefaction's are part of longitudinal waves, rarefaction's are when something's density lessens. Compression is where things are tightly packed together and when all the particles are compressed together and when they release it creates a wave.

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