Thursday, December 8, 2016

Transverse waves/longitudinal waves
Natalia Terleckyj
All waves transfer energy by vibrations, but waves can differ in multiple ways .In transverse waves vibrate up-down motion where longitudinal waves the particles of the medium vibrate back and forth along the path.If you push a spring back and forth it creates a longitudinal waves the same way with a that shaking a rope up and down you just created a transverse wave.
Compression and rarefaction are like crests and troughs of a transverse waves.when particles spread apart is a rarefaction, when there are springs crowd together it called a compression.



  1. Nice summary! It's a great way to teach someone about waves!!

  2. There are different kinds of waves. Such as transverse waves, longitudinal waves, mechanical waves, and electromagnetic waves.

  3. Great job but you need more detail


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