Thursday, December 8, 2016

Waves Because... Reasons

(insert joke here)

A wave is any kind of disturbance that transmits energy (heat, light, sound, ect) through matter or empty space(or a fun thing to do at a baseball game).  You see waves on a pond or any body of water don’t actually move they just bob up and down that’s why they don’t move stuff. Most waves travel through a medium or a substance that a wave can travel through. These waves are called mechanical waves. Some waves don’t need a medium to travel through these are called electromagnetic waves, and isn’t that just an awesome name? This type of wave includes light, heat, microwaves, x-rays, ect. Although they don’t need a medium they can travel through one such as water, air, fire, and earth oops sorry i was thinking of “Avatar The Last Airbender” (if you haven’t seen that show go watch it) i meant to say water, air, and glass.

Something else about waves is they all have crests and troughs. Crests are the highest point in the wave and troughs are the lowest. There is one more type of wave known as transverse waves the particles in this kind of wave move perpendicularly to the direction of the wave  



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