Thursday, December 8, 2016


Image result for wave Waves are a disturbance that transmits energy through matter and empty space. The wave and the energy its carrying always move away from the source of the wave. The highest point of a wave is called a crest and the lowest part of the wave is called a trough. The medium is the way a wave can travel, it does this by one particle vibrates and then it passes the vibration on to another particle etc. The waves that need a medium are called mechanical waves two examples of this are ocean waves and guitar strings when playing. Waves that don't need a medium are called electromagnetic waves, two examples of this are visible light and microwaves. The two main types of waves are transverse waves and longitudinal waves if the are combined they make a surface wave. Transverse mean moving across or moving the way the waves going, all electromagnetic waves are considered transverse waves. Longitudinal waves move back and forth the in the direction the wave is going. Rarefaction's are part of longitudinal waves, rarefaction's are when something's density lessens. Compression is where things are tightly packed together and when all the particles are compressed together and when they release it creates a wave.
           Transverse waves are waves vibrating at right angles to a  direction. waves are vibrations/movement in places. longitudinal waves goes sideways mediums makes waves possible to go through objects. rarefaction is a region in a longitudinal wave where the particles are furthest apart. A compression is a is a region in a longitudinal wave where the particles are closest together.              Knowledge !
Wave: a periodic disturbance in a solid,liquid, or gas as energy is transmitted through a medium. There are 5 different waves waves,transverse wave,longitudinal

wave,electromagnetic wave,surface wave. A medium is a physical environment when phenomena occur and some waves need the medium to make them move. And some waves don't need a medium to transfer energy. A transverse waves move perpendicularly, longitudinal waves move vibrate parallel. When particles vibrates it moves back and forth that passes energy to a particle next to it. There are also sound waves and sound waves travel by compression and rarefaction of the air partials. The wave energy can be carried away from the sources.

What are waves, waves are a interesting thing to think about, no not like the ocean waves, im talking about microwaves, radio waves, telephone waves and more,  almost everything has waves. But what are waves.
Waves are any disturbance that transmits energy through matter or empty space. Interesting right, but there's more than that, like energy waves. Energy waves are different from waves. Energy waves are carried away from its source by a wave. So waves and energy are connected but work differently. But waves can also travel through a medium, a medium is a substance through which a wave can travel. Medium is also pronounced as media too.

Theres also different kinds of waves like transverse waves and longitude waves. Transverse waves is a wave in which the particles of a medium move perpendicularly. A longitude wave  is a in which the particles of a medium vibrate parallel. Theres also sound waves which is an example of a longitude wave.

Waves Because... Reasons

(insert joke here)

A wave is any kind of disturbance that transmits energy (heat, light, sound, ect) through matter or empty space(or a fun thing to do at a baseball game).  You see waves on a pond or any body of water don’t actually move they just bob up and down that’s why they don’t move stuff. Most waves travel through a medium or a substance that a wave can travel through. These waves are called mechanical waves. Some waves don’t need a medium to travel through these are called electromagnetic waves, and isn’t that just an awesome name? This type of wave includes light, heat, microwaves, x-rays, ect. Although they don’t need a medium they can travel through one such as water, air, fire, and earth oops sorry i was thinking of “Avatar The Last Airbender” (if you haven’t seen that show go watch it) i meant to say water, air, and glass.

Something else about waves is they all have crests and troughs. Crests are the highest point in the wave and troughs are the lowest. There is one more type of wave known as transverse waves the particles in this kind of wave move perpendicularly to the direction of the wave  

Facts about waves A wave is any disturbance that transmits energy through matter or empty space.Most waves transfers energy without a medium. A medium is a substance through which a wave can travel. The transverse waves means moving across. In the longitudinal wave the particles of the medium vibrate back and forth along the path that the waves move. The amplitude of a wave is relates height. Frequency is the number of waves produced in a given amount of time. Compressions and rarefactions are like the crests and troughs of a transverse wave. The highest point in a transverse wave is called crest. The lowest point between each crest is called a trough.

     All about waves

 The transverse wave, transverse  means “moving across”. The particles of the transverse wave vibrate up and down motion. The particles in this kind of wave move perpendicular, or at right angles.

                                                               Image result for sound waves
        Longitudinal wave. The particles of a medium vibrate back and forth by the path that the wave moves. You can create a longitudinal wave on a spring. When you push on the spring the coils will crowd together. When a part of a longitudinal wave crowd together it is called compression.

Medium, A medium is a substance through which  can travel. A medium can be a solid liquid or gas. The plural of a medium is media.

     rarefaction , a part where the particles spread. Compressions and rarefactions are like crests and troughs of a transverse wave.
Trough, the lowest point of each crest is a trough. Wave, A wave is any disturbance that transmits energy through matter or empty space. Energy is carried by its source by a wave. Compression, A part of a longitudinal wave where the particles are crowded together.

There is many types of waves and i'll show you just some. The first is transverse waves a wave in which the the particles of the medium move perpendicularly to the direction the wave is traveling. Which means that the particles vibrate up and down. Transverse waves has crest troughs  which the crests are the highest point and the troughs are the lowest point of the transverse waves.
The next wave is the longitudinal waves which means a wave in which the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of wave motion. That means that the particles move back and forth.  The compression is the part where the particles crowded together and the rarefaction is where the particles spread out.
Wave is any disturbance that transmits energy through matter of empty space. The medium is which a substance through which a wave can travel

Transverse waves are waves which the particle vibrates in an up-and-down motion. Longitudinal waves are waves in which the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of the wave motion. These waves are similar because pushing a spring back and forth creates a longitudinal wave, much the same way that shaking a rope up and down creates a transverse wave.

A crest is the highest point of a transverse wave, and a trough is the lowest point of a transverse wave. Their similar because their both related to transverse waves. A medium is a substance through which a wave can travel. A wave is any disturbance that transmit energy through matter or empty space. A rarefaction is like the crests and troughs of a transverse wave. Also, a compression is a part of a longitudinal wave where the particles are crowded together.

Transverse waves/longitudinal waves
Natalia Terleckyj
All waves transfer energy by vibrations, but waves can differ in multiple ways .In transverse waves vibrate up-down motion where longitudinal waves the particles of the medium vibrate back and forth along the path.If you push a spring back and forth it creates a longitudinal waves the same way with a that shaking a rope up and down you just created a transverse wave.
Compression and rarefaction are like crests and troughs of a transverse waves.when particles spread apart is a rarefaction, when there are springs crowd together it called a compression.


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

There are two types of waves. These two types of waves are major waves. The waves names are a Transverse Waves and Longitudinal Waves. Transverse Waves are waves where the particles  move in the direction in which the wave is moving. Longitudinal Waves are waves in which the particles vibrate straight to the direction of the wave motion.
    There are are forms of waves who need medium for example, a Medium  is a physical environment in which a wave and phenomena occurs. There are many waves who need a medium for their waves to occur. For example, a sound wave. Rarefactions are air particles. When particles are spread apart that is called rarefaction. Crest is another type of waveform. A Crest is the highest point of the waves. Trough is the lowest part of the wave. The main thing we were talking about was waves. A wave is  any kind of disturbance of the three types of matter. A wave is  also transmitted through a medium.e of the three types of matter. A wave is  also transmitted through a medium.
Types of waves
All waves transfer energy by constant vibrations, But waves are different in many ways.Their are two main types of waves like transverse, and longitudinal wave. They can also combine  to form a surface wave. Transverse wave- Particles of a medium move to the direction of the wave is traveling. Longitudinal wave- Particles of the medium vibrate in the direction of of the wave motion.

Some waves can transfer energy without going through a medium. A visible light is an example and there's also many more like microwave ovens, and tvs. Electromagnetic waves don't need a medium They can go through matter along with air, water, and glass.
A wave is a periodic disturbance in a solid liquid and gas as energy is transmitted through the medium.
Transverse wave and Longitudinal waves are different in many ways. One way they are different is the particles in the transverse wave they move perpendicularly and longitudinal the particles move parallel and vibrate. One way they are the same is that they are waves.Related image

The Crests is the higher is the highest part in the wave. The troughs are lowest part in the wave. Medium is the part that makes the travel. Compressions are is when the particles that are crowded close together. Rarefaction is when the particles are spread apart.
Image result for parts of waves

A wave is a periodic disturbance in a solid, liquid, or gas.
Transverse and Longitudinal waves are different in many ways but are also the same. One way they are different are Transverse waves particles vibrate up and down Longitudinal particles vibrate back and forth.
One way they are the same is they are waves.Related image
The Crests is the high part of the wave, the Troughs is the low part of the wave. The medium is the part of the wave that causes the wave to move. Compresions are when particles get close together. Unlike Compresions rarefactions particles are spread out. Image result for parts of waves

Waves M. Faries

A wave is a disruption that transfers energy through matter or an empty area. The two main types of waves are transverse waves and longitudinal waves. A longitudinal wave is a wave where the particles of the medium vibrate side by side to the direction of the motion of a wave. A medium is substances in which a wave can travel. Transverse waves are particles that vibrate in an up and down movement.

The difference between longitudinal and transverse waves are that transverse waves vibrate up and down and longitudinal waves vibrate side by side. The highest point of a transverse wave is called a crest and the lowest point is called a trough. When the particles of a longitudinal wave are crowded it is called a compression. When the particles are spread apart it is called a rarefaction. Compressions and rarefactions are like the crests and troughs of longitudinal waves.

Types of Waves

Types of waves.
There are many types of waves some major types are Transverse waves, and Longitudinal waves. Transverse waves are waves where the particles vibrate in an up and down motion. Transverse means moving across The particles in this kind of wave move perpendicular to the direction the wave is going. If you have a rope and tie one end of it to a doorknob and the take the end that isn’t tied to the door and shake it up and down you can see this in action. While doing this you can see the crests and troughs by looking at the rope as it vibrates up and down The crest is where the peak or highest point of the rope is when it is vibrating. The trough is at the bottom of the crest or at the lowest point of the rope while it is vibrating.

The second type of wave is the longitudinal wave. Longitudinal waves are waves where the particles of the medium vibrate back and forth along the path that the waves move. Longitudinal waves are kind of like springs in the scene that that when the particles are crowded together they get compressed this is called in a Longitudinal wave compression. A part where the particles are spread apart is called the rarefaction. Compression's and rarefaction's are like crests and troughs in a transverse wave.
     There are a lot of different of waves, there are Transverse, Longitudinal, Medium, Crest, Trough, Wave, Rarefaction's, Compression's.
Transverse waves
 Transverse waves are when particles vibrate in a up-and-down motion. They usually move in a right angle. The highest point of a transverse wave is called a crest, and the lowest point between each crest is called a trough.

    Longitudinal waves
 Longitudinal waves are when the particles of the medium vibrate back and forth along the path that the waves move. A part of a longitudinal wave where the particles are crowded together is called a compression. A part where the particles are spread apart is a rarefaction.
     There are two types of waves.A wave is a periodic disturbance in a solid, liquid or a gas as energy is transmitted through a medium. The two main waves are transverse wave and longitudinal. A transverse wave is a wave where the particles in a medium move perpendicularly to where the wave is going. A longitudinal a wave in where the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to where the wave goes.

       A medium is an environment where a phenomena occur some waves transfer energy through a medium. A crest is the highest point of the wave. A trough is the lowest part of the wave.


Transverse waves and longitude waves are alike because they both need a medium. And transverse waves the particles moves in the direction the waves are going, and longitude particles go parallel in the direction. They can also combine together and make a surface wave.

In a longitude wave the particles vibrate in parallel direction. The transverse waves particles move smoothly.

Blog- Waves

File:Waves in pacifica 1.jpgWhen waves vibrate up and down, that´s the transverse waves. Some examples of transverse waves are a rope. When you have this kind of wave you will usually see the crest and trough. The crest is the highest point of the wave, and the trough is the lowest part of the wave. All electromagnetic waves are always considered transverse waves, even though not all of these waves travel through a medium. Now, not all waves but some waves have a medium. A medium is a substance through which a wave can travel. It can be a solid, liquid, or a gas. When something like a particle vibrates, it will pass energy, most likely to the particle next to it. Longitudinal waves, are when the particles vibrate the way that the wave moves. The part of the wave when the particles is called a compression. When particles are spread apart it´s called rarefaction. They are like crests or troughs. These two things are like when you have a transverse wave. To review, a wave is disturbance that can and will transmit energy through anything. All waves are different, so I hope you enjoyed!


Waves are a disturbance that transfers energy through empty space or matter. Waves are everything from sound to light to ocean waves. Waves travel through a medium. A medium is matter that waves can travel through. Waves travel through a medium when the particles vibrate and it can pass energy from one particle to the next. Waves that require mediums are called Mechanical Waves. Another type of wave is Transverse Waves. Transverse waves are waves that occur when the particles move up and down.Transverse is another word for Moving across. Transverse waves have crests and troughs. Crests are the highest point of a transverse wave while Troughs are the lowest point of a transverse wave. Next wave is Longitude waves. In longitude waves medium particles vibrate back and forth, an example are sound waves. When particles are crowded together in a longitude wave it’s called a compression, and when the particles are spread apart it’s called a rarefaction. When Longitude and Transverse waves combine it creates surface waves, which includes properties of both waves.

Light, Yellow, Red, Frequency, ...