Monday, January 23, 2017

Cells new learning

Cells new learning

What I learned today is that there are two different types of cells, prokaryotes and eukaryotes. prokaryotes is mostly bacteria, and bacteria has DNA. I also learned that humans are made of eukaryotes. And why other eggs are smaller than chicken eggs, which is because the yolk is one giant cell. What I didn't learn about cells is why plant cells have cell walls and why we don't, which is because they need it for they sturdiness of their stem, and we don't need need it because an obvious reasons like one, we don't have cell walls, and two we are mobile creatures so we need to move, and with a cell wall we would be like a box.

I also learned the parts of the cell and how they contribute to plants, and animals. I also learned about something that I didn't learn in 5th grade, which is the ribosomes, and that they are alive. I also didn't know that the cell is made up of proteins and organelles, which some parts of the cell produce proteins for the whole cell. I also learned that in a way lysosomes and vacuoles are kind of the same because lysosomes take care of the digestive system by removing the cellular wastes and damaged organelles, while in the plant cell vacuoles help out with the digestive system. I also learned that chloroplasts are green because inside of it there are chlorophyll.

And lastly, I learned about Multicellular, which mean that you have multiple cells, and that they benefit you, because of your size, more specialized muscles, and that they help you live longer. And a group of organs working together, The digestion is an example of one. An organism is made of a singular cell, and is called unicellular organism. And I learned that a structure is an arrangement of parts in an organism, and a function is the job each part of the structure does.Plant tissue from a colon ...

Animal tissue.


Prokaryote cell.


  1. Good job very specific information

  2. Good job very interesting

  3. This post is good, but I would have aimed for more details about prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.


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