Friday, January 20, 2017

Cell information
   What i learn is,in the diversity in cells are,The smallest unit that can perform all that necessary for life is an cell, Chicken eggs grow so large because doesn´t take in nutrients therefore it can grow large . There is also three part of cell theory here are some (1) All organisms are made of one or more cells, (2) the cell is the basic unit of living things and (3)All cells come from existing cells. People never known that prokaryotic are single celled organisms that don't have nucleus or membrane bounds. There´s is also three types of archaea heat-loving,salt-loving and  -methane-making. What i also learn is that bacteria known as the smallest cell.    

Eukaryotic cells
What i learn is that cells walls of plants and algae made of complex sugar called cellulose and cells walls of fungi made of complexes sugar called chitin.There is also to endoplasmic reticulum (1) is rough endoplasmic reticulum (2)is smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Mitochondria is the main power source. Lysosome organelle that contain digestive enzymes.

Organization of living things
You are a multicellular organism.this means that you are made of many cells,animals have four basic types of tissue and plants have three basic types of tissue. Structure that is made up of two your more tissues work together to perform a specific function is called an organ.


  1. A group of organs working together to accomplish a goal is called an organ system.

  2. Good job!Leeuwenhoek made his own microscopes and was one of the first to learn about cells!


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