Friday, January 20, 2017

I have learned a lot about cells the past few days. There is a lot to know about cells and one important thing is the smallest unit that can perform all the process necessary for life is a cell. The two basic kinds of cells are prokaryotes and eukaryotes ( the most common prokaryotes is bacteria that is also the smallest). Now to the facts
     Section 1: The Diversity of Cells I learned alot about diversity of cells so i am going to name a few that I learned. Plants are the only one with a cell. Also all organisms are made of one or more cells, the cell is the basic unit of all living things, and all cells come from existing cells. The surface area -to-volume ratio of the cell is what limits most cells to a very small size. Every cell has a cell membrane. Ribosomes are tiny, round organelles made of protein and other material.
    Section 2: Eukaryotic Cells, the first thing about cells were the cell walls and that the function of a cell wall is to give support to a cell. Next, I learned about the cell membrane and that it is a protective barrier that encloses a cell. It also separates the cell's contents from the cell's environment. Then I learned about cytoskeleton, nucleus, ribosomes, ER, mitochondria, chloroplasts, golgi, and cell compartments. I learned about how all of those help cells function.
  Section 3: The Organization of Living Things, what is mostly in this section is how everything works together like cells, tissues, organs, and structure and functions. A tissue is a group of cells that work together to perform a specific job. There a lot of different types of tissues like nerve tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue, and protective tissue. A organ system is a group of organs that work together to perform body functions. In organisms, structure and function are related. Structure is the arrangement of parts in a organism, and function is the job  the part does.  


  1. I liked how you explained the definitions so that we know what it means :)

  2. NICE WOOOOOOORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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