Monday, January 23, 2017

Cell surround living organisms.
The cells that have cell walls are fungi and plants.

Leeuwenhoek was the first person to know about cells.

A cell is the tiniest that has the ability to do all the things for life.

The cell membrane protects the surface of the cell.

Multicellular is the same thing as a lot of cells.

Ribosomes are small organelles made out of proteins. Cells are found in living organisms.
You can’t see cells without a microscope. The cell wall helps and provides support to other cells. The cell walls of plants and algae are made of cellulose.The cell membrane protects and closes cells up. The cytoskeleton stops the membranes from falling. The nucleus is in a eukaryotic cell. The ER is made of proteins and membranes. A mitochondria is the main part of cells. It has a DNA to itself. Chloroplasts are in cells. They have chlorophyll in them. The Golgi complex packs and moves proteins around. It resembles the smooth ER. Vesicles are sacks that covers stuff to be moved inside or outside cells. Vesicles are a part of cell compartments. Lysosomes are organelles that help with digestion. They have digestive enzymes. Vacuoles are vesicles. They help lysosomes. They sometimes have a lot of water.
Section 3- Multicellular organisms have a lot of cells. A lot of multicellular organisms are tiny. Tissues are group of cells that are alike and work with each other to do a certain task. Structures that have two or more than two tissues working with one another to do a certain task are organs. Organ systems are groups of organs that work together to do a certain task. Organisms are anything that can do life process independently. Talking about organisms function and structure are really alike. Structure is how the parts of an organism are. Function is how the stuff flows.


  1. Good Job! Did you know Leeuwenhoek made his own microscopes?

  2. Very good Grace! I really liked how you put a lot of pictures!

  3. You are right and wrong at the same time about not being able to see cells with a microscope because you can see an egg without one.

  4. Leeuwenhoek was not the first person to find out about cells he was the first to study muscle fibers, bacteria, spermatozoa and blood flow in capillaries, otherwise that, it was really good, good job


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