Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Group 16

       The group contains three non metals one metalloid and one metal. The group contains 6 electrons on the outer level, they are very reactive, every element but oxygen are solid at room temperature. Oxygen takes up almost 20 percent of air, oxygen is needed for substances to burn. Oxygen is also very important most living things, such as scuba divers going underwater, we need oxygen to breathe. Sulfur is another element in the Oxygen group. It is yellow solid  and can be found in nature. It is used to make sulfuric acid.
                                             Christian- sulfur
                                              Carson- Oxygen  
                                              Frank- selenium
                                               Ava- Tellurium
                                                Aidan- Polonium


  1. Sulfurs atomic number is 16.Sulfurs symbol is an S. Sulfur is an nonmetal.

  2. Tellurium is an element that has the atomic number of 52 and the atomic mass of 127.6. The element name for Tellurium is Te.

  3. Selenium is a suite of tools to automate web browsers

  4. Sulfur is bad for you #boomX2


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