Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cobalt Co

Cobalt is a chemical element with an atomic mass of 27. Cobalt is found in Earth’s crust only in its chemically combined form. Cobalt was also founded in 1735 by a scientist by the name of Georg Brandt. On the Periodic Table of Elements,  cobalt is in the 9th group and the 4th period. This element is also a silvery-blue metal that is also magnetic. If cobalt is alloyed with aluminum and nickel it is able to become a fairly strong magnet. Other alloys of cobalt are used for jet turbines and gas turbine generators. Also,  radioactive cobalt is used to treat cancer in some countries. Cobalt can also be used in some glass makings.
This is an example of silver ans silvery-blue cobalt.

1 comment:

  1. Cobalt is magnetic and is used to color glass, ceramics, inks, paints, and varnishes. The atomic number is 27.


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