Friday, November 4, 2016

Favorite Mixture By: Kip Jolly

Favorite Mixture By: Kip Jolly
*note* i know you hate comic sans it's why I used it lol

My favorite mixture is pancakes (for obvious reasons) and let’s look at some of the ingredients and mixtures in the mixture itself! (inception music plays).
We begin our journey (in a pancake) with buttermilk… seriously? This is the best we could come up with? Whatever, wonder what this could be (obvious sarcasm).
Well anyway butter milk was originally, buttermilk meant the liquid left over from churning butter from fermented cream. For traditional purposes, before the cream could be removed from each others presence (guess they didn’t like each other), the milk was left to lay/sit for some time to allow the delicious cream and tasty milk to separate. Now let’s move on to baking soda, it's 100 percent sodium bicarbonate, which can be used as a leavening agent in baked goods. When mixed with an acid, baking soda reacts, making bubbles and giving off carbon dioxide gas, which causes dough to rise (and global warming, just saying). Next letÅ›  talk about milk chocolate (because i eat milk chocolate chip pancakes #delicious). Well anyway milk chocolate is a sweet delicious chocolate that also contains milk powder or more simply condensed milk. (Announcer) “Well that’s all folks!” (audience) ‘Finally!” (announcer) “Did you learn anything?” (audience) “Yes” (announcer) “Did you have fun?” (audience) “No!” (announcer) “Oh… Then get out!” (audience) “Great! Nobody liked it anyway!”.

Milk chocolate

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