Thursday, September 21, 2017


         WHAT IS MATTER?

Image result for thinking faceFrom a scientific point of view, you have at least one characteristic in common with these things.You the toaster, the bowl, the soup,the steam, the glass the glass tubing of a neon sigh, and the glowing gas are made of matter. But exactly what is matter? 
Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Its so so so simple! Everything in the universe that you can see  is made up of some type of matter!!!

Monday, January 23, 2017

CELLSFrank LambertKip Jolly
A cell is the smallest unit of life that can replicate independently, and cells are often called the “Oh my god i’m made of smaller things". The study of cells is called cell biology. Cells consist of cytoplasm enclosed within a membrane, which contains many biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids.
                                       What's in a Cell

File:Turgor pressure on plant cells diagram.svg - Wikimedia Commons

         Cells are composed of water, inorganic ions, and carbon-containing (organic)molecules. Water is what  a cell is mostly made of  molecule in cells, accounting for 70% or more of total cell mass. :)


All about cells
“The smallest unit that can perform all the process necessary for life is a?”
A cell that’s what it is a cell! In class we are discussing cells!! Cells is a very important to learn about. We have many cells in our body, but cells also have many functions and important facts you have to know, so let’s get started!  
    I learned that Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovered single-celled organisms including bacteria. Plants and animals have similar cells but also different! For example a question asks on a directed reading “What kinds of cells have cell walls?” The answer was plants. Well animal cells do not have cell walls. Humans also do not have cell walls only because we would look like a box.  Here is an interesting question from our directed reading! ¨why can a chicken egg grow so large?¨ the answer is it does not have to take in all the nutrients. That is the answer because it doesn't have to take in as much nutrients as other cells. That is what allows it to grow so large. There is one part that all cells have weather it is plant or animal cell every cell has this. Every cell has a cell membrane to act as a barrier to protect the uncontrolled flowing water. Now on to the last thing. There are two types of basic cells and those two cells names are Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells.
     Many of you may be wondering what is a cell walls function? Well a cell's walls function is to give support to a cell. The cell wall protects the cell. There is also a  cell named cytoskeleton and the cell has two functions. The first function is the cell keeps the cell membrane from collapsing. The second function is the cell helps other cells move. Here is another interesting question from our directed reading. ¨What are the cell walls of plants and algae made of?¨ The answer would be sugar and cellulose.
       In conclusion, cells are very very important to learn. It´s very important to learn these cells if you are wanting to be a scientist when you grow up!
Frank LambertKip Jolly CELLS
A cell is the smallest unit of life that can replicate independently, and cells are often called the “Oh my god i’m made of smaller things". The study of cells is called cell biology. Cells consist of cytoplasm enclosed within a membrane, which contains many bio-molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids.
                                       What's in a Cell

File:Turgor pressure on plant cells diagram.svg - Wikimedia Commons

         Cells are composed of water, inorganic ions, and carbon-containing (organic)molecules. Water is what  a cell is mostly made of  molecule in cells, accounting for 70% or more of total cell mass. :)


                             What I Know About Cells

The main point of cells and the cell theory is that it was discovered accidentally by a scientist named Robert Hooke which made the microscope in 1665 and tested it out with a cork and found little tiny boxes which he named as cells. But he also looked at thin slices of plants and found out that some cells have juice in them which he saw as living cells.

The main point of finding cells in other organisms is that a Dutch Merchant named Anton van Leeuwenhoek made his own microscope and used it on water in 1673 and found small organisms. He called them animalcules and today we call them organisms protists.

The cell theory is that it's been almost 200 years since cells were found. 1838, a scientist named Matthias Schleiden which studied plants and concluded that all plants were made of plants. 1839 he concluded that animal tissue were also made of cells. Then later on in 1858, Rudolf Virchow stated that cells can only be formed from other cells.

There is also a cell size which is that there are a few large cells, which means that most cells are small but however, some are big, and many small cells, which means that most cells are small and there are physical reasons why they are.

The parts of a cell is the cell membrane, which is a protective layer for the cell, the cytoplasm, which is the fluid inside the cell, and organelles, which carry various of life processes and play a role in specific functions. There's also genetic material, which is DNA in cells that carries info for new cells and has the control of activities of a cell.

There are also 2 kinds of cells  which are Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic are cells with no nucleus. Eukaryotic are cells that have a nucleus. Prokaryotics are also classified into 2 groups which are bacteria and archaea. Bacteria is common for the prokaryotic, there also the smallest cells known.

Eukaryotic cells have Cell Walls, Cell Membranes, Cytoplasm's, a Nucleus, Ribosomes, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Mitochondria, Chloroplasts, a Golgi Complex, Cell Compartments, and Cellular Digestion.

                                                  Diversity of cells                

Did you know cells are the smallest unit that can perform all the processes necessary for life. Hooke was the first person to describe cells. There are three parts of the cell theory. Number one all organisms are made of one or more cells. Number two… The cell is the basic unit of all living things. Last but not least all cells come from existing cells. Next bacteria is the most common and the smallest out of prokaryotes.

                                                      Eukaryotic Cells

      I learned that there is even a Eukaryotic cells and that Eukaryotic cell has many parts that help the cell stay alive. Also that plant cells and animal cells are two types of Eukaryotic Cells they also have many cells in common.

                    Section 3

   In section 3 i learned that most cells are smaller than a period at the end of a sentence and the tissues work together with cells.

Cells New Learning
There are cells all around us. Anything that is living or is alive cells are present in. In biology a cell is the smallest unit that can preform all life process. There are many different types of cells, such as, Euglena, Blood, Yeast, and Bacteria cells.
Cells are extremely small. Most of them are too small to see without a microscope. It would take 50 human cells to cover the dot on this letter i.
All cells are surrounded by a cell membrane a cell membrane is a protective layer that covers the cells surface. It also acts as a barrier.
Cells also have organelles that carry out various life processes.  Organelles are structures that are to perform different functions.
All cells contain DNA at some point in there life. DNA is the deoxyribonucleic acid.
In some cells, the DNA is enclosed inside an organelle called the nucleus. For example human cells have a nucleus, but bacterial cells do not.
All cells have cell membranes, organelles, cytoplasm, and DNA. There are two basic cells, that have a nucleus, and do not. The cells without a nucleus are Prokaryotic and the ones with a nucleus are Eukaryotic. The most common Prokarytes are bacteria. Bacteria are the smallest out of all the cells known. The bacteria organisms are everywhere.
The second kind of prokaryote are the archaea. They are similar to bacteria in some ways but not all. They both are single celled organisms.
Plant cells have a cell wall. A cell wall is a rigid structure that gives support to the cell. Ribsomes that make proteins are called ribosomes. Ribosomes are the smallest of all of the ribosomes.
The endoplasmic reticulum (or ER) His is a system of folded membranes in which proteins, lipids, and other materials are made,
Lysosomes are vesicles that are responsible for digestion inside of a cell.
Humans are a multicelluar organism. This means that we are made of many cells. Multicellular organisms grow by making more organisms rather than making them larger.
The tissue of the cell is very important too. The tissue of a cell is a group of cells that work together to perform certain jobs.

A structure is the arrangement of parts in an organism and the function is the job the part does.
Cell surround living organisms.
The cells that have cell walls are fungi and plants.

Leeuwenhoek was the first person to know about cells.

A cell is the tiniest that has the ability to do all the things for life.

The cell membrane protects the surface of the cell.

Multicellular is the same thing as a lot of cells.

Ribosomes are small organelles made out of proteins. Cells are found in living organisms.
You can’t see cells without a microscope. The cell wall helps and provides support to other cells. The cell walls of plants and algae are made of cellulose.The cell membrane protects and closes cells up. The cytoskeleton stops the membranes from falling. The nucleus is in a eukaryotic cell. The ER is made of proteins and membranes. A mitochondria is the main part of cells. It has a DNA to itself. Chloroplasts are in cells. They have chlorophyll in them. The Golgi complex packs and moves proteins around. It resembles the smooth ER. Vesicles are sacks that covers stuff to be moved inside or outside cells. Vesicles are a part of cell compartments. Lysosomes are organelles that help with digestion. They have digestive enzymes. Vacuoles are vesicles. They help lysosomes. They sometimes have a lot of water.
Section 3- Multicellular organisms have a lot of cells. A lot of multicellular organisms are tiny. Tissues are group of cells that are alike and work with each other to do a certain task. Structures that have two or more than two tissues working with one another to do a certain task are organs. Organ systems are groups of organs that work together to do a certain task. Organisms are anything that can do life process independently. Talking about organisms function and structure are really alike. Structure is how the parts of an organism are. Function is how the stuff flows.

Benefits of being multicellular

Being multicellular provides benefits such as being larger in size, having a longer life and specialization such as each cell having its own job. Cells can also work together to make things like tissue “a group of similar cells that perform a common function,” (pg 21). Tissue can create organs “a collection of tissues that carry out a specialized function in the body,” (pg 21). organs can form an organ system “a group of organs that work together to perform body functions,” (pg 22). Multiple organ systems can form an organism “anything that carry out life processes independently,” (pg 22). All the organ systems are arranged in a structure to create an organism.
What I have learned about cells-

         I have learned much information about cells. Cells are the tiniest unit that can accomplish all the processes necessary for life. There are two main types of cells, Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. Prokaryotes are single cells that do not have a nucleus. A few examples of Prokaryotes are bacteria and archaea . Eukaryotes are multicellular cells consisting of a nucleus that are about ten times larger than prokaryotes. Animals and plants are Eukaryotes.
         There are many organelles with different functions in an Eukaryotes. First, the cell wall that provides structure to a cell. Second, a cell membrane is a protective layer that encloses a cell. Third, cytoskeletons acts like muscle and a skeleton. Next, the nucleus which contains DNA. Ribosomes create protein out of amino acid. Endoplasmic Reticulum or ER is the place where proteins, lipids, and other materials are made. Also, the mitochondria is where sugar is broken down into energy. Chloroplasts are in plant and algae cells where photosynthesis takes place. The golgi complex looks like a smooth ER, many lipids and proteins are delivered to the golgi complex. All Eukaryotic cells have vesicle. A vesicle is a sac that moves things in and out of cells. Finally, lysosomes create digestion and sends it to the vacuole which stores it.
         Being multicellular has many benefits. Multicellular means you have many cells. Multicellular organisms are larger in size, and are not usually prey. Also, they typically have a longer life. Finally, each cell has a job specialization. This creates a more efficient organism. Tissue is a group of cells that have a common function. An organ is a group of of tissues with a specialized function. Organs working together to perform a function is an organ system. Anything that can create a life process by itself is an organism.
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Cells new learning

Cells new learning

What I learned today is that there are two different types of cells, prokaryotes and eukaryotes. prokaryotes is mostly bacteria, and bacteria has DNA. I also learned that humans are made of eukaryotes. And why other eggs are smaller than chicken eggs, which is because the yolk is one giant cell. What I didn't learn about cells is why plant cells have cell walls and why we don't, which is because they need it for they sturdiness of their stem, and we don't need need it because an obvious reasons like one, we don't have cell walls, and two we are mobile creatures so we need to move, and with a cell wall we would be like a box.

I also learned the parts of the cell and how they contribute to plants, and animals. I also learned about something that I didn't learn in 5th grade, which is the ribosomes, and that they are alive. I also didn't know that the cell is made up of proteins and organelles, which some parts of the cell produce proteins for the whole cell. I also learned that in a way lysosomes and vacuoles are kind of the same because lysosomes take care of the digestive system by removing the cellular wastes and damaged organelles, while in the plant cell vacuoles help out with the digestive system. I also learned that chloroplasts are green because inside of it there are chlorophyll.

And lastly, I learned about Multicellular, which mean that you have multiple cells, and that they benefit you, because of your size, more specialized muscles, and that they help you live longer. And a group of organs working together, The digestion is an example of one. An organism is made of a singular cell, and is called unicellular organism. And I learned that a structure is an arrangement of parts in an organism, and a function is the job each part of the structure does.Plant tissue from a colon ...

Animal tissue.


Prokaryote cell.

Science review

Section 1.1 I learned that a cell is the basic unit of life for all living things.
I also learned that there is a cell theory,
: all organisms are made of one or more cells
: the cell is the basic unit of life for all living things
: all cells come from existing cells
Next, I learned that all cells have DNA, cytoplasm, and membranes.
Section 1.3.  I learned that a tissue is a group of cells that work together to perform a specific job.
Next I learned that we are all multi cellular organism which means that we are made up of many cells
Section 1.2.  I learned in section 1.2 I learned that a cell wall supports a cell, in a plant cell
fungi have cells walls made up of sugar called chitin. I learned that a cell membrane is a protective barrier that encloses a cell. The last thing that I learned  in section 1.2 is that lysosomes contain digestive enzymes.

Cells- New Information

Cells New Information
The smallest unit of life that can do anything inside that has to deal with animals or plants, is a cell. Different people have discovered cells, but a few main ones are, Schleiden, Virchow, Hooke, Leeuwenhoek, and Schwann. They have all discovered things like, animals tissue were made of cells, or that all plants are made of cells. These people have discovered a lot that has helped us with figuring these type of things out more. Plant and fungi cells are the only cells that we know of that have cell walls. If you look at animals cells you can see that they don’t have the present in their structure. Some cells are different and have the like opposite structures and parts, but one part that all cells have are cell membranes, organelles, cytoplasm, and DNA. All cells have these parts. One of the most common prokaryotes is bacteria, and its one of the smallest cells. The function of a cell wall, is to give support to a cell. Different parts like the cell membrane have different parts. All cells have their functions and many other things. Multicellular organisms are what you are! We grow by making many smaller cells. Tissues are the group of cells that perform a certain job. Animals have many different tissues. For example: nerve tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue, and protective tissue. Plants have different tissue has well. They have transport tissue, protective tissue, and ground tissue. Tissues lead up to many things and one of them is an organ. Organs are things that help you live, like your heart. You need your heart to live. Organs are mainly made of cardiac tissue. It also has nerve, and blood cell tissues. Nervous tissues carry ‘messages’ back and forth between the stomach and the brain. Organ systems perform a certain function or job. If something can life process on its own, it’s an organism. Organisms are things like: horses, dogs, cats, fish, humans. Function is a system of things that our organs and cells do. All these things com together and make us!This image rendered as PNG in ...Open ...

Friday, January 20, 2017


Cells. Cells are the smallest unit that can perform all all the processes necessary for life. There are two main cell types eukaryotes and prokaryotes they are both very different. Eukaryotic cells are the largest type of cell and many parts that keeps the cell alive. Prokaryotic cells are single celled organisms that do not have a nucleus or membrane bound organelles. There are three parts to the cell theory.”All organisms are made of one or more cells. The cell is the basic unit of all living things. All cells come from existing cells. The cell membrane is a protective layer that covers the cells surface and acts as a barrier. It separates the contents of the cell from its environment. All cells have organelles that carry out various life processes. Organelles are structures that perform specific functions within the cell. All cells contain DNA at some point in their life. In some cells, the DNA is enclosed inside an organelle called the nucleus. You are a multicultural organism. That means you are made of many small cells. A tissue is a group of cells that work together to perform a specific job. A structure  that is made up of two or more tissues working together to perform a specific function is called an organ. A group of organs working together to perform a particular function is called an organ system. Anything that can perform a function by itself is called an organism. Structure is the arrangement of the parts in an organism. Function is the job the part does.        
Cell information
   What i learn is,in the diversity in cells are,The smallest unit that can perform all that necessary for life is an cell, Chicken eggs grow so large because doesn´t take in nutrients therefore it can grow large . There is also three part of cell theory here are some (1) All organisms are made of one or more cells, (2) the cell is the basic unit of living things and (3)All cells come from existing cells. People never known that prokaryotic are single celled organisms that don't have nucleus or membrane bounds. There´s is also three types of archaea heat-loving,salt-loving and  -methane-making. What i also learn is that bacteria known as the smallest cell.    

Eukaryotic cells
What i learn is that cells walls of plants and algae made of complex sugar called cellulose and cells walls of fungi made of complexes sugar called chitin.There is also to endoplasmic reticulum (1) is rough endoplasmic reticulum (2)is smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Mitochondria is the main power source. Lysosome organelle that contain digestive enzymes.

Organization of living things
You are a multicellular organism.this means that you are made of many cells,animals have four basic types of tissue and plants have three basic types of tissue. Structure that is made up of two your more tissues work together to perform a specific function is called an organ.
The Organization Of Living Things
A tissue is a group of cells that work together that makes a specific job. An Organ is a collection of tissues that carry out a specialized function of the body. The organ system has a specific job in the body. The organism is a single cell made up of some cells. A structure is a arrangment of of parts in an organism. A function is the job the part does.